Bloodseeker, Old and New

Once there was a civilization that grew, their influence and Techno-Magic forging a vast empire.  The Gorn Empire left only massive pyramids, temples, and artifacts strewn across the North Western coast of what would become the Nightlands.

The Nightlands are forever shrouded in the darkness that creeps across the sky from an artifact known only as the Spire.  A giant structure that hangs from the clouds, like a massive inverted termite mound, made of dark iron plates, cursed blood quartz and twisted cold steel.  It is from here that six fallen heroes, known as the Shadow Lords, control their slowly expanding empire.

Bloodseeker is the 5th Shadow Lord, and the warlord that controls the undead-machine army of the Shadow Lords.  Here is the original sketch I did back in 2006.



As I continue to rework old art and sketches, here is the new Bloodseeker.



Bloodseeker and the Nightlands are part of my homebrew Pathfinder Universe, Galdor.
