They Came as Three

Its been too long since I made a Sketch A Day post.  I have a new theme however, and what I have been doing recently is going through my old art works, and redoing the ones I want to update or redesign.

This is the first piece I decided to do, back when I was working on my BA in Illustration, we were given an assignment to take a series of one line chunks from a novel, and do a child/teenage level illustration that you might find in a book.  I did several thumbnail sketches, the image I chose will be the subject of a future post and is one of the illustrations I did that I wish to take forward and make into a digital painting.  This is just one of the thumbnails I decided I needed to work into a more finished piece.

Here is the original thumbnail:

As Three they Came Original Here is the reworked version, which I also am considering taking all the way to a finished painting.

As3theycameDecided to make it a bit darker, and hint more at what might be hidden beneath the robes.


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