My Little Monsters: Cthulhu


Some of you might remember the MOAR Monster, it was an original acrylic on canvass painting that I worked on and release several months ago.  It was the first in a series that I have decided to call “My Little Monsters”.

Based on some of my personal feelings, that as I progressed through formal art schooling I lost touch with the “little kid” element and imagination of art and making creatures.  Replacing the void it left with technical skills and rules.  I will never be able to look at a piece of art I did as a kid and not see all the mistakes, but I can work on more creatures with an open mind!

Continuing with the more cartoony theme of MOAR Monster, here is the second sketch which I will soon begin to commit to canvass:



This time I decided to do a more traditional Victorian Horror monster and used HP Lovecrafts famous “Cthulhu” elder god as the basis, but sketched him as  a baby or hatch-ling.

I will continue to add creatures and monsters and aliens to the My Little Monster Series, I have even considered taking this a slightly more fun route and doing an traditional “A is for Alien” style set of 26 art pieces.  I hope you like this one, keep an eye out for more posts as I work on this one, and eventually the original canvass on sale at my ETSY store!


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