Devrin Snakeslayer

One of the themes I return to quite often is the idea of a hidden world, and I don’t mean in some conspiracy theory sort of way, but in a secret lives of animals sort of way.  A few years ago I introduced several sketches of mice doing various things, most notably my four elements sketches which I am working on making into a set of four paintings.  But I have played with several other mice sketches.



A returning theme in these sketches is that there are two factions, the faction that the mice belong too, and the Grey Ones.  And that is as far as it goes 🙂



Dragon Hunters, an old sketch…

Maybe a new digital painting!   This is another art piece I originally made to go along with my Home-brew DnD World Galdor.  I had considered making this the theoretical book cover.



Here is a human dragon hunter, and his gnome artificer assistant.  Galdor mixes an early concept of American Old West style guns and magic to make its projectile weapons work.  In order for a human/gnome team to take down a dragon, they use a very wide bore single shot rifle.

I hope to turn this piece into a digital painting.


The Kor’Jorian Fleet, Character Design

A few weeks ago I posted a sketch of the Kor’Jorian, a race of microbial creatures that had melded with their bionic suits.  Here is are the sketches I worked up fro their fleet.


In the image above the top sketch was the old idea I had several years ago about how their  ships might look.  The lower sketch is an update made to reflect their bionic culture and mentalities.

Another early concept, and the thumbnail sketch that became the Silverslayer the Kor’jorian command cruiser. KorjorianSilverSlayer

A more detailed sketch of the Silverslayer…KorJorianWarshipConceptAnother quick concept that was never developed further.

All of these sketches and designs work into my Savaged Universe, and are examples of Character and Creature Design.



Sketch Dump

It’s been a few weeks since I manged to post a #sketchaday, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been sketching!  Here is some of my daily sketches from the last few weeks:


I am a huge fan of Cyberpunk, Steampunk, and Retro Sci-fi Styles, this is a piece I doodled awhile ago and finally got around to redoing. sad_spaceship1

Spaceship Designs, for the Solarian Race(They will get their own post soon!)sad_talon


Halfling Sorcerer from a Pathfinder game I played in.  Did the sketch in preparation for racial art paintings in my Homebrew Worlds wiki. ShipConcept

Another ShipSillyFish

More Silly Fish.SillyFishTwo


Silly Goldfish.SynthiaSlayer

Here are two older ones, from the tail end of 2012.  A female Goblin to go with my Gobo-series.  I will do a full post on the soon. tribalseahorse copy


And a very quick tribal Seahorse sketch done for a client(and not used).

More Soon!  I am still Sketching, just bad at post! 😦


Blood Skies, a few Sketches…

A few weeks ago, an author I follow on twitter announced an awesome deal, the first book in his current series was free on the Kindle.  So naturally I had to check it out.

In his series Blood Skies, Steven Montano has managed to rekindle my faith in humanity and our ability to realize that monsters need to stay monsters.  Anne Rice, while she based her writing style on one of my all time favorite horror writers: H.P Lovercraft, began a trend that saw vampires emasculated, feminized, de-fanged, and then rolled in glitter.  I am not a huge fan of “modern” vampires.  But Steven Montano has brought them back, made them ugly, horrible, purpose driven monsters, and then crafted a world around them that astounds me in its detail.

Also a few of my “forgot” short stories and screenplay treatments share a few broad strokes in common with his beautiful crafted world… Almost a “great minds think alike.. and so do horror authors minds”, scenario.  Blood Skies is the first novel in the series and it is a great military/sci-fi story, set in an awesome and deadly world.  At this point I have made it to book 3 and at this rate, well he better write them faster… if he pulls and R.R. Martin on me…

Anyway, like other great examples in media, his books inspired me to make a few sketches, and those are the subject of today’s post.

First we have Eric Cross the main character:cross

Next is a Shadowclaw Vampire, kinda like a badass Navy Seal but with fangs…



Take a moment to check out Steven Montano’s website. 


-Follow me on Facebook.



Creature and Character Development: The that Kor’Jorian

The Kor’Jorian are another race of Savaged.  Often modern authors play with the concept of man attempting to become God, and the repercussions of those actions.  From the “Terminator” movie series to Michael Crichton‘s Jurassic Park novels.  This concept is something that fascinates us; as our technology level increase it is a boundary that we flirt with on an almost daily basis.  From cloned sheep to the exponential advancement of computer processors, it is possible (in our minds) that at some point soon man might be able to create life.

This brings up a load of fears, will our creations become us?  Just as we have become gods in creating them?  Will they replace us, as we are seeming to replace our gods?  The Kor’Jorian address this fear in my science fiction world.  In a much different way, as these are not man’s mechanical monsters, nor are they purely mechanical constructs, but what has evolved from a biological creature merging with their technology.

The Jori were a hive race, made up of clusters of semi intelligent multiple cell organisms, each about the size of bacteria.  As the hive clusters grew in size their intelligence level increase exponentially, some of the larger hive groups (about the size of a basket ball) are considered hyper-intelligent.

Their hive clusters often splitting and merging with other clusters allowing an entire population to share the same experience or focus on the same tasks.  In their ancient past the Jori encountered another space faring race, and were forced to defend themselves.  As a race without conventional bodies,and were almost exterminated, before they created their mechanical bodies.  The Kor’Jori were born.


In the Eons since their race was forced to inhabit Mechanical bodies, the Jori have evolved  considerably.  Now longer are the clusters large, their science and technology advanced enough that smaller clusters and even single organisms have expanded their abilities through artificial means.  At times it is hard to distinguish whether there is a even a surviving biological component to some Kor’Jori.

The Kor’Joirans have ruthlessly protected their planets for Eons, forever paranoid that another race will try to subjugate or destroy them.  Often seen as warlike, unfeeling machines, they have little to no contact with other races, and often when they do it is violent in nature.

Look for their spacecraft in my next post.




The Entic, Creature and character Development

The Entic are another race that occupies the Universe of Savaged.  Original I had no idea what I wanted them to look like, or how they were going to function.  I wanted them to look as alien as possible, having as little comfortable similarities with humans as possible.  They are dangerous, driven and very enigmatic race.  This first sketch is really just a collection of ideas, which led to how they developed even further.   EnticEarlyConceptFiguring out the how and mechanics of how the Entic would move helped a lot in the final outcome of how they looked. Three fingered hands and feet, an insectiod like configuration, allowing them to move swiftly and efficiently.


I wanted these guys to be able to tackle a human, and wrap their fingers around a humans neck, and hold them down.  A terror tactic that works with their anatomy and savage society.  I have yet to really design their culture or worlds, or technology.  Entic

More to come.


Character and Creature Design: Sage

This is the follow-up post to the Jarn character and creature design post I made last week.  More artwork and design stuff that fits into the Savaged Universe.  The Sage are officially the first race humanity meets as they expand into the stars.  Our first hint that we are not alone in the universe comes when cargo starts to disappear from ships along established trade routes.  The odd thing is it isn’t cargo that is normally considered high value.

Priding themselves as students of galactic history and the only truly advanced civilization of the stars the Sage had taken it onto themselves to collect and catalog as much data as they can.  Some of the most powerful Sage becoming Knowledge pirates that plague the known universe stealing art, books, and historical records, while leaving behind weapons, technology and valued goods.

Here is the first sketch of a Sage I ever did.


They were never meant to be a “Galactic Player” when I did this first sketch.  They were supposed to be a henchmen like race, spotty comic relief, an odd idea.  However as I developed the beginnings of the Council of Seven and the Empire, I was forced to comfort the idea that someone had to help humanity take and hold there place in the universe.

The Sage became the first race that humanity allies with, helping to form the backbone of the Empire.  Sage pirate armadas aligning themselves with human naval and exploratory vessels, forming a Navy in the time of crisis as both races fell into open conflict with the Jarn.



Along those lines I worked a few concept sketches of the Sage.  Keeping the idea that they are a small humanoid reptilian race, easily adapted to fighting in tight corner and enclosed spaces.



This later sketch is much closer to my final vision.  I have added fighting claws to the Sage’s feet, made them much slighter of frame and worked the basic ideas of the Imperial Navies uniform into this sketch.  I also added the saber to give the Naval Rating a colonial era look and feel.

Space Combat isn’t like modern warfare.  Often tight corridor combat deciding the outcome of a naval clash, opening volleys normally ending in brutal close quarters combat.

I had to make another decision this time about what their ships and technology looked like… More about that next time!
